About Us
- No more dangling legs! Designed for the growing needs of children
- A stable footbase is essential when learning to play piano…
- Good posture helps prevent repetitive strain injury (RSI) and aids concentration
- Helps your child manoeuvre at the piano and improves keyboard technique.
- Recommended and used by British Suzuki Institute – www.britishsuzuki.org.uk

"As long as our body is performing, we take it for granted. We don't concentrate on what we need to maintain good posture habits...slumping can cause long term problems"
ACA Chiropractic Orthopaedics
"Talent is no accident of birth...the right environment can change a person with underdeveloped ability into a talented one"
Shinichi Suzuki
This piano footrest was designed while my 5 year old son was attending Suzuki lessons. Asked by the Suzuki teacher to provide a footrest for everyday use, we started with a pile of books but quickly found this was inconvenient and unstable. This footrest was designed to provide stability, aid posture, technique and concentration.
We noticed an immediate improvement in technique and concentration. He looked more comfortable, his fingers were more buoyant and key stretch improved. For us, it meant we could get rid of the unsightly pile of books while feeling assured his posture was maximised.
This product is used by the British Suzuki Institute (BSI) and feedback has been extremely positive.